You know the feeling – finally going on a much needed vacation but kind of dreading it a little because of all the work that you haven’t gotten to and all the things you’re putting to the sideline for a bit. Plus you already got a jam packed week ahead afterward and feeling a little overwhelmed knowing you’ll have added work with the unpacking, laundry, picking up pets that awaits when you get back. Also, you’ve been in such a good routine with your nutrition and workout habits that you don’t want to mess it up -not that you won’t enjoy yourself and your much needed downtime. it’s just that you don’t want to get out of the habit!
Here are some life-changing tips that have been so fun and helpful in getting right back to a normal routine that make going away feel so much better and more relaxing knowing you have everything set to pick right back up where you left off, with ease!
1. Clean clean clean before you leave
Clean your house before you leave and I’m not talking just about making sure things are picked up. I’m actually suggesting taking a half a day and really cleaning your house. Get caught up on laundry, make the beds, clean the bathrooms and mop the floors. Go through the fridge and do a clean out and make sure to clean the kitchen, dishes done, trash out and nothing extra left on the counters!
I’m sure you usually take the trash out and probably wash the dishes but by taking it a step further and really doing a throughout clean to you get ahead is the idea! That way you can leave for vacay feeling accomplished and really can enjoy fully knowing when you come back you won’t have all this extra work on top of what was left behind.
I’m telling you as I am sure you’re well aware, it’s the absolute best feeling coming home to a spotless house. I remember the last time we left and came back I walked in and was like “Omg my house is so clean. I love my house!” Apparently I forgot I had left it so clean or maybe I just missed being home, either way it was great!
2. Write a grocery list for when you get back
So I ‘m guessing you’re probably thinking “I barely have time to pack for vacation and have to run the dogs to the sitters, where will I find time to do a post vacation shopping list?” I get it but it really doesn’t have to be that long or time consuming. You just need the essentials and the items for a few staple recipes that you can make easily. It will take you 5 minutes, just pick meals for the next two days after vacation. keep them simple so you won’t have that much to shop for and try to use things in your freezer an pantry. If you plan it right, you might even be able to grab a few things on your way home from vacation to save a trip! Sometimes that adds more stress and might not work out depending on what your travel looks like but having that quick shopping list and mini stock will help a ton!
3. Plan Meals for the Day You Get Back
You just had the best vacation and now you’re home mid afternoon, no groceries in the house everyone is hungry and instead of enjoying the rest of the day you’re now scrambling to decide what to make or get for dinner. Totally been there and have gotten so frustrated because it’s stressful not having food in the house or a plan then having to immediately leave again and for groceries then rush home to make dinner. Sure you can order take out or pizza but it’s an added expense and thought process as well unless it was planned ahead! So to avoid all that added chaos plan a meal for the evening you get back. Sometimes I like to just plan it into the vacation meals, like ordering that pizza and salad ahead of time so it’s not a last minute decision where you’re like should i go for groceries or order pizza what does everyone want etc. etc. Another great option is having a meal in the freezer that I can just bake or throw on the grill. This is the best knowing you have it ready to go and just have to cook it up. It keeps the day flowing is such a time saver plus deciding on your meals ahead of time is the best way to stay on track with all the things!
4. Unpack The Day Of
When you leave your house clean it’s much easier to unpack and get caught back up. If you’ve been camping then there is a little more cleaning and unpacking to do then if you were on a road trip AIRBNB stay. Either way you’ll have laundry to do most likely, blankets, unpacking your toiletry and essentials bag. I like getting everything unpacked, washed and put back where it goes the day I get back so that I can find things quickly, when I need them like my shoes and headphones for the next day workout, laundry, etc. Then make sure to toss any junk food you don’t really need and just bought while on your trip. If you were traveling solo you probably won’t have as much of this as you would if you were on more of a family vacation with kiddos. Either way if you’ve got leftover candy, brownies, chips that noone will really miss – just toss them and start fresh!
5. Get back to your daily targets immediately
Having daily targets is so great for actually staying on track while on vacation and it’s also super helpful to know what to do to pick right back up afterward especially if you haven’t been sticking to them as closely. So daily targets are those foundational things you do everyday to set your day up for success, making sure you’re hitting your goals and those things that matter most to you. Here are a few of my daily targets and what I teach in my programs;
- Hydration goal – how many ounces of water you drink daily mine is at least 90oz
- Movement Goal – have a steps goal and a daily or weekly workout goal but call it more of a benchmark rather then a goal so it’s something you just do not “hope to do”. A movement goal can be more flexible then having set workout goals and it still keeps you on track with your fitness so it’s not that all or nothing thinking
- Nourish – this can be what you make it but having set nutrition goals for the day will also keep you hitting your targets at the end of the day. For me. it’s a smoothie a day, and eating one really healthy balanced meal whether that’s lunch or dinner at least it’s one meal that’s nourishing and energizing.
I have quite a few targets and some aside from my health goals. The things that I need to do daily that really impact my week and keep me on track to my goals.